Hypnotherapy for Pain Control, Migraines & Headaches

Hypnotherapy for Pain Control, Migraines & Headaches

Hypnotherapy has been proved to help with pain control.  It does have to be confirmed with a doctor before we can proceed to reduce your pain, as there could be a more serious underlying issue going on.  Using control room techniques, or a glove anesthesia can dramatically reduce your pain, sometimes even eliminating it altogether.  Seeing the pain as a colour, or moving the pain can also help.  People have had surgery under hypnosis, removing teeth, or a hernia operation.  When I go to the dentist and see the hygienist, I never have an anesthetic, she is amazed that I just zone out.  Most people would only have half their teeth done (one side) under anesthetic, but I just tell her to do my whole mouth, and zone out to my favourite place of relaxation – my beach in Portugal!