
What do you get for your money?

When working with Heidi, who has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and being a hypnotherapist trainer at Heidi Walker Hypnotherapy Training, you can expect to get the highest level of therapy. See a few of her testimonials here.

You will get recordings of each session that you have with her, (unless it is the Rewind Technique, because you do not need to listen to that again, as the memory gets processed there and then), therefore you can listen to those in the future, and between sessions, which the majority of clients claim to be useful. Many clients use the recordings when they need a top up, or need to hear something in the spur of the moment. Not all hypnotherapists offer this level of service to their clients.

Heidi is not particularly a clock watcher – she will work with the client for as long as is needed, often going over the hour slot, especially if she has nobody after. It has been known that a session has lasted over 3 hours. Many clients have commented that when seeing other therapists, it has been they that watch the clock knowing that their session will end abruptly, and so don’t bring things up that really should have been said and discussed. One client told Heidi that she was truly upset, and the therapist said “well lets wrap that up”, and virtually chucked her out of the door – that does not happen at Soul Solutions Hypnotherapy. If Heidi does have another client after, you will be told what time the session has to end, and an hour and half is always allowed between clients.  Quality over quantity is Heidi’s policy. Heidi’s passion is to help people, and get them to where they need to be.

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