Healing the Inner Child

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What is the Inner Child?  We all have an “inner child” living inside us, it has been picking up messages before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally).  It holds emotions, beliefs, and memories, as well as hopes for the future.

  • Our inner child is the one that remembers that sweet smell of grandma when she leaned down to hug us, with a huge look of pride on her face when we showed her how we were able to ride our bike.
  • Our inner child remembers the feeling of our hearts brimming with joy and love when our dad looked at us with a glisten in his eyes when we shared our favourite toy with the neighbour.
  • Our inner child remembers feeling invited to a friend’s birthday party and feeling so happy and confident.
  • Our inner child remembers being ignored and bullied on the bus on the first day of school.
  • Our inner child remembers feeling dumb when the teacher rolled their eyes when we didn’t have the answer to a “seemingly easy” question.
  • Our inner child is present when we start our first job, proving your boss that you’re responsible and capable, feeling proud.
  • Our inner child is present when we are teenagers, wanting so badly to belong.
  • Our inner child is inside of us when we go on a quest to find love, or to find social groups to belong to.

Our inner child is the part that feels understood, calm, warm and fuzzy when we have good times with others. It’s also the part that feels crushed and betrayed when we are hurt, ignored or lied to, when someone hurts or betrays us.

Our inner child is always communicating with us.  Our inner child can either be calm and content, or it can act out and make things a bit difficult, sometimes standing in the way of healthy relationships, trying new things, or sticking to something.

This is the younger version of ourselves which is influencing our current selves by acting out the behaviour of its formative years.

When you’re stuck in some aspect of their life, it maybe the inner child is needing some attention.

  • Do you have big feelings about small things?
  • Self-sabotaging behaviours?
  • Unhealthy coping strategies?
  • Difficult relationships with loved ones, including your family?
  • Low self-esteem and self-criticism?
  • Mental, physical and emotional issues?

Healing the Inner Child involves a few therapy sessions, including inviting your inner child to come forth, and tell it things it may have needed to hear as a child, and to know that its all worked out well for you.

Some of the things you inner child may need to hear:

  • You are worthy of everything good
  • You are beautiful and loved
  • What happened to you was not your fault
  • You are worthy of everything good
  • It’s OK to feel
  • It’s not your fault when other people are in bad moods
  • You are not alone, I am with you
  • You are a good person and I love you

If you’re feeling stuck, low confidence, or have a mental block, or a behaviour that you just can’t seem to shift, or a want to change the way you think about something, then maybe Healing the Inner Child is for you.

This is a very powerful intervention and can change things very quickly.

Contact me now for more information.


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