A little about Heidi Walker of Soul Solutions Hypnotherapy

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A little about Heidi Walker of Soul Solutions Hypnotherapy

Hi, I’m Heidi, I thought I would introduce myself again for those that don’t know me. It has been a while since I spoke about myself.
I used to be a prison officer, which I gave up after 18 years, to become a full time hypnotherapist. In 2018 I started Soul Solutions Hypnotherapy part time, running alongside my prison job which was also part time. It was amazing compared to my prison job, I went from one of the most stressful jobs in the world, to one of the most relaxing!

I gave up being a prison officer in 2021, and that gave me the time to become a hypnotherapist trainer, I was chosen by the world renowned hypnotherapist Sheila Granger to be one her 12 trainers around the world, and I am also one of her mentors to over 200 hypnotherapists around the world.

I built a log cabin therapy room/training room in my garden, and the training started last year (if you are interested in training to become a hypnotherapist please click on the following link- https://heidiwalkerhypnotherapytraining.co.uk/) when that was complete. I have students that trained with me now working for themselves, and I am their clinical supervisor, and I have other students still training with me. I trained my partner Darrel Osmond, and he is now working with me too, he will be running sessions for the virtual gastric band, weightloss, and stop smoking workshops.

I love to help people with more of the mental health side of hypnosis, and I specialise in anxiety, stress, trauma and PTSD, and phobias. All of these put you in a state of fight or flight.

Anxiety is a very common mental health problem which seems to be rising more and more, it affects millions of people worldwide.
There are lots of reasons that stress is caused including stress, trauma, or common fears, even uncommon fears that are irratuional, and lead to a range of symtoms including restlessness, panic attacks and worry.

Hypnotherapy has become very popular for treating anxiety, as more and more people want to addrtess their mental health without using medication, although I do advise that if your doctor has prescribed you medication, you should take it.
What is hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is therapy and hypnosis combined. It is usually combined with CBT techniques, and NLP. It has no negative side effects when done properly, and should always be done by a trained hypnotherapist that is qualified and accredited by one of the governing bodies such as the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC or GHR).

Hypnosis is a state of relaxation and heightened awareness that is utilised to help the client be receptive, and accept positive suggestions that the client wants. During hypnosis the client can be guided to change their thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It can change negative thought patterns, and release past trauma very quickly, and it’s the kindest way to deal with trauma, as you are so relaxed when processing it. Its impossible to feel calm and relaxed and anxious at the same time, they are polar opposites.

Future projects that I’m looking into is Virtual Reality Hypnosis, we can test whether your therapy has worked for your fear by putting you into the situation, and seeing how you react, but more on that when I find out more myself, but this was something I was looking into just before Covid hit in 2020. Now I have the space in the cabin to set this up properly too.

I would also like to get more into the corporate side too, working with companies to reduce the stress in the workplace, improve sickness rates, and improve work performance. If you know any companies that would like me to come and talk to the ‘bosses’ and explains how it all works, please get them to get in touch with me.

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